Waste Water Treatment Plant - IV

Local Government & HTP Department – Government of Sindh


Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (“KWSB”) has mandated the Asian Development Bank (“ADB”) to be the transaction advisor in relation to an up to 120 million imperial gallons per day (MIGD) treatment plant (TP4) along with a recycling plant and pipeline system to be procured under PPP mode (“Project”).

Market survey shows that the present water demand of industries in KIA and Korangi Creek is >40 MIGD and expected to increase within the next few years. Much of this demand is fulfilled through informal water suppliers. This practice utilizes water that can potentially be used for potable purposes and should be stopped to conserve the resource.

Future projects can supply reuse water to the Landhi Industrial Area (LIA), which has a current demand exceeding 30 MIGD


The project envisages construction of 22 km Interceptor, primary and secondary waste water treatment plant of 120 MIGD along with Tertiary treatment and RO of 60 MGD to supply industrial grade water to the industries in KIA Karachi.

Current Status

The Feasibility study has been completed. KW&SB is currently preparing an international tender with ADB to attract and select a qualified private developer-investor for the Project.

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