Nabisar to Vajihar Water Works Project

Irrigation Department – Government of Sindh


  • GoS requires investment in laying the water infrastructure for IPPs in Thar Block I which shall generate 1650 MW of power
  • Construction of canal from the Farsh X-regulator to Nabisar for discharge of 200 Cusecs water
  • Out of 200 cusecs, 45 cusecs has to be supplied to IPPs of thar block- I.
  • Considering the significant cost of construction and the deadline, the Sindh Cabinet decided to undertake this project through PPP Mode
  • Enertech Water submitted proposal for development and operation of the Water Supply Facility
  • Feasibility for the project was submitted in April 2020


Both the parties are actively working to fulfil their respective Condition Precedents. GoS has handed over the total project land (GoS CP) whereas Enertech is arranging for the financing of increased project cost. The project is expected to achieve the Financial Close by mid of July 2023.

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